A playbook for hosting simple services

Here's how I build my WebScale infrastructures today - no Docker, no k8s, just linux

CSS Classes considered harmful

If you've used CSS, you know what a class name is. They're a very poor proxy for the web today. Let's stop using them.

ES6 Template Literals, the Handlebars killer?

How viable would it be for the new ES6 Template Literals to replace Handlebars? Let's find out

Metaprogramming in ES6: Part 3 - Proxies

The third installment of our look at Metaprogramming in ES6. In this last post we'll be looking at possibly the coolest ES6 Reflection feature: Proxies…

Metaprogramming in ES6: Part 2 - Reflect

With ES6 comes a brand new API, Reflect. Reflect provides a bunch of useful introspection methods to dive into your code, here's a look…

Metaprogramming in ES6: Symbols and why they're awesome

ES6 comes with a slew of new metaprogramming tools, which provide low level hooks into code mechanics. With these comes Symbols, here's a look…

How to Use npm as a Build Tool

Last month I noted my opinions on why we should stop using Grunt, Gulp et al. I suggested we should start using npm instead. Here's how…

Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp

The biggest problem large providers face is how to properly scale out their servers to multiple, load-balanced Node.js processes.

Load balancing Node.js

The biggest problem large providers face is how to properly scale out their servers to multiple, load-balanced Node.js processes.

Schema.org - the new generation of SEO

SEO has always been a bit of a black-hat science, hiring agencies to “do your SEO” is a minefield and you may just end up with a 2-bit operations who ask for...

The ups and downs of the HTTP header

As part of a project I’m working on, I was doing research into HTTP headers. I couldn’t really find any decent resources that summarised the differences of h...

Start sending dates the right way (aka The ISO8601 101)

We’ve all had those tough conversations on how best to exchange dates between two systems: “is DD-MM-YYYY good for everyone?” “what about YYYY/MM/DD” “we cou...

What to expect from a world without IE6.

It’s no secret that developers across the globe resent Internet Explorer. It’s disregard for standards are a burden, often requiring a parallel development e...

XHTML: Why everyone wants it but you shouldn't use it

Everyone is asking for it these days. Go onto freelance boards, talk to clients, even on job boards, clients & companies are requiring their developers t...

Swapping out your LAMP stack

The LAMP stack is the backbone of the web these days - every hosting provider uses it, sometimes exclusively.